Resources For Educators
Self-Care Resources
Wellness Resource for Parents & Educators
Is a downloadable mini-resource guide created for parent and child in mind to offer comforting and healing ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine.
Roots of Empathy
is a nonprofit whose mission is to build caring and peaceful societies through the development of empathy in children and adults.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication
offers trainings for educators and parents that helps them teach children how to peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal settings.
is an online forum that holds international conferences annually devoted to ideas worth spreading.
New Games
embodies an attitude towards play with cooperative games for all ages, especially children.
Anti-Defamation League
provides lesson plans and curriculum for grades K-9 on topics that promote anti-bias and acceptance.
Institute for Humane Education
is a nonprofit passionate about providing the knowledge and tools to put our values into action in meaningful, far-reaching ways. They provide workshops for educators.
Center for EcoLiteracy
is best known for its pioneering work with school gardens, school lunches, and integrating ecological principles and sustainability into school curricula. The Center for Ecoliteracy offers books; teaching guides; professional development seminars; a sustainability leadership academy; keynote presentations; and consulting services.
Educators for Social Responsibility
works directly with educators to implement systematic practices that create safe, caring and equitable schools so that young people can succeed at school and in life.
founded by George Lucas, is dedicated to improving K-12 education by advocating for innovative and replicable strategies to help children thrive.
Speak Truth to Power
a project of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, is a multi-faceted global initiative that uses the experiences of courageous defenders from around the world to educate students and others about human rights, and urge them to take action.
Teachable Moment, Morningside Center for teaching Social Responsibility
provides educators with timely teaching ideas to encourage critical thinking on current issues and foster a positive classroom environment.
Equal Exchange’s Fair Trade Curriculum and Educational Resources
A free downloadable curriculum called Win Win Solutions: An Introduction to Fair Trade and Cooperative, offers activities about fair trade issues. It is designed for grades 4-9.
is a free online resource website for humane educational materials and policy resources for K-12.